COVID-19 Lockdown Update from Community Support Inc

Community Support continues to provide service during the current SA Lockdown. As an essential service provider, our Support Workers are continuing to support our clients to ensure they receive the what they need to live their life their way.
Our staff have access to all the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is mandatory and required for their shifts. We have emphasized in our communication to Support Workers the importance of hand hygiene cough etiquette and social distancing. We have been providing Support Workers with regular updates and information via the Staff Newsletter, CEO Messages and Staff Briefs. We provide ongoing distribution of hand sanitiser; masks and gloves as required.
What will happen if a client has symptoms or tests positive?
Community Support has a COVID-19 Plan in place. If a client has symptoms, Support Workers must contact their Coordinator immediately and follow the instructions given by their Coordinator. All Coordinators are supported by their Client Services Manager who is a Registered Nurse, and we follow protocols as directed by the Public Health Unit at SA Health.
If a client tests positive for COVID-19 their individual situation will be case managed by our Client Services Manager in conjunction with our Clinical Governance Manager. Support Workers will be individually contacted, and clear directions provided. Community Support has a Business Continuity Plan and COVID-19 Plan in place.
What will happen if a client suspends or cancels services?
We anticipate that some clients may cancel services in the coming weeks due to the potential spread of the virus. We are working through our client list so we can put in place appropriate support plans in the interim.
Will Community Support continue to provide shifts to our clients?
If our clients are well and are not exhibiting any symptoms of COVID19, then we will continue to provide services. If a client has symptoms of flu or COVID19 then our staff will notify their relevant Coordinator asap and we will begin to determine the best course of action in consultation with SA Health.